Pupil Worship
Children in Class 2 plan, deliver and evaluate their own special worship on a fortnightly basis. They do this in pairs choosing their theme from Christian Values.
Wark Church of England First School provides a respectful, caring environment, based on our Christian values, where all children are helped to flourish and grow to the best of their abilities. Daily collective worship is at the centre of our school life and we encourage children to be a part of planning and delivering this worship.
The whole school goes to St. Michael’s Church once a month for Messy Church and each week we either have the ‘Open the Book’ team or Rev’d. Steve deliver our worship; the other days it is done by the children or staff based on our own values of:
To help explore these further we use material from the National Society’s material on Christian Values for Schools and you can see these values and support material on their website at: |