RSHE - Relationship, Social and Health Education
RSHE Overview
As a member of the PSHE Association, our PSHE is based on their recommended Programme of Study.
We are currently in the process of renewing our Healthy Schools Accreditation and applying for the Anti-Bullying Accreditation, however, much of the work required for both awards takes place in school on a regular basis throughout the year.
We hold daily assemblies which deal with aspects of PSHE and include a "Celebration Assembly" every Monday at 2.40pm. Assemblies also focus on special times throughout the year such as Black History Month and Anti-bullying Week.
Within the classrooms, children take part in Show and Tell sessions and Class Council (KS2), which help them to develop respect for each other through turn-taking and to develop their speaking and listening skills.
As part of our school development we are working towards building up the children's resilience to challenge and problem-solving and to developing their independence as learners, and as part of this, have adopted the Chris Quigley Personal Skills Development objectives. These include: To try new things; To work hard; To concentrate; To push oneself; To imagine; To improve; To understand others and To not give up. These goals are displayed in the classrooms and referred to throughout the day. We also have weekly Independent Writing sessions which allow the children to identify their skill focus and set targets, as well as evaluating their own and other's work.
We were awarded the Eco-school's Green Flag award in 2012, and while we did not intend to renew the award through Eco-Schools, we remain committed to the principles behind the award and will be continuing the excellent work that has been established in school over the years, for example, recycling as many materials as possible, saving energy and water through campaigns to promote awareness to children and their families, and taking part in projects such as Earth Magic to promote sustainability and environmental awareness.
We place great importance on keeping our children safe in school and at home, and recognise that the internet can pose many dangers to young people. We teach E Safety to the children and hold E Safety sessions for parents at least once a year. All parents, children and staff sign an Acceptable Use statement at the start of the year and we ask all parents to give permission or otherwise for the use of photographic images of their children.
Keeping healthy is a very important part of our school and we have signed up to the Tynedale School Sport's Partnership which provides high quality P.E. delivery in school, CPD for staff and the opportunity to participate in a variety of inter-school competitions. So far this year we have taken part in a Skipping festival, Football Tournament and Cross Country Running Competition.
As a member of the PSHE Association, our PSHE is based on their recommended Programme of Study.
We are currently in the process of renewing our Healthy Schools Accreditation and applying for the Anti-Bullying Accreditation, however, much of the work required for both awards takes place in school on a regular basis throughout the year.
We hold daily assemblies which deal with aspects of PSHE and include a "Celebration Assembly" every Monday at 2.40pm. Assemblies also focus on special times throughout the year such as Black History Month and Anti-bullying Week.
Within the classrooms, children take part in Show and Tell sessions and Class Council (KS2), which help them to develop respect for each other through turn-taking and to develop their speaking and listening skills.
As part of our school development we are working towards building up the children's resilience to challenge and problem-solving and to developing their independence as learners, and as part of this, have adopted the Chris Quigley Personal Skills Development objectives. These include: To try new things; To work hard; To concentrate; To push oneself; To imagine; To improve; To understand others and To not give up. These goals are displayed in the classrooms and referred to throughout the day. We also have weekly Independent Writing sessions which allow the children to identify their skill focus and set targets, as well as evaluating their own and other's work.
We were awarded the Eco-school's Green Flag award in 2012, and while we did not intend to renew the award through Eco-Schools, we remain committed to the principles behind the award and will be continuing the excellent work that has been established in school over the years, for example, recycling as many materials as possible, saving energy and water through campaigns to promote awareness to children and their families, and taking part in projects such as Earth Magic to promote sustainability and environmental awareness.
We place great importance on keeping our children safe in school and at home, and recognise that the internet can pose many dangers to young people. We teach E Safety to the children and hold E Safety sessions for parents at least once a year. All parents, children and staff sign an Acceptable Use statement at the start of the year and we ask all parents to give permission or otherwise for the use of photographic images of their children.
Keeping healthy is a very important part of our school and we have signed up to the Tynedale School Sport's Partnership which provides high quality P.E. delivery in school, CPD for staff and the opportunity to participate in a variety of inter-school competitions. So far this year we have taken part in a Skipping festival, Football Tournament and Cross Country Running Competition.
RSHE in action!
Curriculum Overview Documentation
Please see the document below to learn about how the RSHE curriculum is delivered at Wark C of E Primary School.
Please see the document below to learn about how the RSHE curriculum is delivered at Wark C of E Primary School.