Our R.E curriculum
As a church school we follow the 'Joint Education Team of Newcastle and Durham' diocese agreed syllabus for RE.
33% of the school curriculum focusses on teaching children about world religions, with the main 66% of the curriculum being taught using 'Understanding Christianity', which follows 8 key concepts:
As a church school we follow the 'Joint Education Team of Newcastle and Durham' diocese agreed syllabus for RE.
33% of the school curriculum focusses on teaching children about world religions, with the main 66% of the curriculum being taught using 'Understanding Christianity', which follows 8 key concepts:
The principal aim of RE is to enable pupils to hold balanced and informed conversations about religion and belief.
Aims and purposes of Religious Education in the Church school
This principal aim incorporates the following aims of Religious Education in Church schools:
Aims and purposes of Religious Education in the Church school
This principal aim incorporates the following aims of Religious Education in Church schools:
- To enable pupils to know about and understand Christianity as a living faith that influences the lives of people worldwide and as the religion that has most shaped British culture and heritage.
- To enable pupils to know and understand about other major world religions and non-religious worldviews, their impact on society, culture and the wider world, enabling pupils to express ideas and insights.
- To contribute to the development of pupils’ own spiritual/philosophical convictions, exploring and enriching their own beliefs and values.
- Give a theologically informed and thoughtful account of Christianity as a living and diverse faith.
- Show an informed and respectful attitude to religions and non-religious worldviews in their search for God and meaning.
- Engage in meaningful and informed dialogue with those of other faiths and none.
- Reflect critically and responsibly on their own spiritual, philosophical and ethical convictions.’