What is Pupil Premium?
The Government considers the Pupil Premium to be a key element of their education policy. Introduced in April 2011, the pupil premium provides additional funding to schools to target specific groups of children who are vulnerable to underachievement. These pupils are from low income families, children in care and the children of armed service personnel.
For this academic year £1385 has been allocated to schools for any pupil who has been registered for Fee School Meals (FSM) in the last six years along with looked-after children who have been in continuous care for more than six month. In addition, a Service Child Premium of £320 per pupil has been allocated to children with parents in the armed services in recognition for the particular challenges that they face.
What are the aims of the Pupil Premium?
The purpose of the Pupil Premium is to raise the achievement and aspirations of disadvantaged groups of children.
The link between free school meal eligibility and underachievement is strong. The Pupil Premium seeks to tackle the inequality in education outcomes. The premium in intended to help schools to provide targeted support to improve the life chances of children from lower income families and young people who face additional challenges in their lives so that they can reach their full potential.
How is the Pupil Premium spent at Wark C of E Aided Primary School?
The Government has given schools the discretion in how best to use the funding to meet the needs of their children.
To continue to raise the attainment of all pupils who are eligible to FSM by accelerating progress so that it is in line with or better than national expectations.
Pupil Premium 2022-23
2022/23 Pupil Premium Strategy - Here
Pupil Premium 2021-22
2021 Pupil premium strategy - here
Pupil Premium 2019-20 - £5280
We currently have 4 children in the January 2020 census. The payment for each eligible child is £1320, therefore the school will receive a total of £5280 for the period.
Use of the payment: We have continued to our subscriptions for both Accelerated Reading at a total cost of £650
We have bought into the educational psychology behavourial support agencies at a cost of £1500.
We have a teaching assistant for SEN support only who does one to one and small group sessions for 21 hours per week.
We have additional teaching assistant hours to support pupil premium children in the classroom and during outside activities.
How will the impact of Pupil Premium be evaluated at Wark C of E Primary School?
We will monitor the progress of the pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium through analysis of their teacher assessments each term. This will inform decisions about interventions and future provision.
In addition, information from lesson observations, children’s books and pupil and parent feedback will form key parts of the evaluation process.
How can parents and carers contribute to the success of the Pupil Premium scheme?
If your child is eligible for free school meals, it is worth registering them even if they're not going to have the school lunch. It will have a direct impact on the funding and will maximize the support we can provide.
Information from Northumberland County Council re Free School Meals
Please see below for an explanation of how free school meals work, and for information on how to apply for free school meals.
Universal free school meals
All pupils in reception, year one, and year two are entitled to a free meal, without having to apply for this option.
Eligibility for free school meals
The government has made amendments to the eligibility criteria since April 2018. This is to reflect the introduction of Universal Credit.
PLEASE NOTE: Free school meals are available to pupils in receipt of, or whose parents are in receipt of, one or more of the following benefits:
What do the changes to free school meals mean?
Most people won’t be affected by the new criteria. If you’re currently claiming free school meals, but don’t meet the new criteria, your child will continue to receive free school meals until the end of the Universal Credit roll-out period.
The roll-out period isn’t scheduled to end until March 2022. Once Universal Credit is fully rolled out, your child will keep their free school meals entitlement until the end of their current phase of education, i.e primary to secondary.
Claim free school meals
Online: Telephone:
Free School Meals Office
Northumberland County Council
Wansbeck Square
NE63 9XL
Revenues and Benefits
Benefit details for applications can be checked on receipt. However, if confirmation cannot be found, you will be contacted to provide proof of benefit.
Click here to view the Revenues and Benefits Privacy Notice.
The information you provide will be used to check if you are in receipt of a qualifying benefit.
The Government considers the Pupil Premium to be a key element of their education policy. Introduced in April 2011, the pupil premium provides additional funding to schools to target specific groups of children who are vulnerable to underachievement. These pupils are from low income families, children in care and the children of armed service personnel.
For this academic year £1385 has been allocated to schools for any pupil who has been registered for Fee School Meals (FSM) in the last six years along with looked-after children who have been in continuous care for more than six month. In addition, a Service Child Premium of £320 per pupil has been allocated to children with parents in the armed services in recognition for the particular challenges that they face.
What are the aims of the Pupil Premium?
The purpose of the Pupil Premium is to raise the achievement and aspirations of disadvantaged groups of children.
The link between free school meal eligibility and underachievement is strong. The Pupil Premium seeks to tackle the inequality in education outcomes. The premium in intended to help schools to provide targeted support to improve the life chances of children from lower income families and young people who face additional challenges in their lives so that they can reach their full potential.
How is the Pupil Premium spent at Wark C of E Aided Primary School?
The Government has given schools the discretion in how best to use the funding to meet the needs of their children.
To continue to raise the attainment of all pupils who are eligible to FSM by accelerating progress so that it is in line with or better than national expectations.
Pupil Premium 2022-23
2022/23 Pupil Premium Strategy - Here
Pupil Premium 2021-22
2021 Pupil premium strategy - here
Pupil Premium 2019-20 - £5280
We currently have 4 children in the January 2020 census. The payment for each eligible child is £1320, therefore the school will receive a total of £5280 for the period.
Use of the payment: We have continued to our subscriptions for both Accelerated Reading at a total cost of £650
We have bought into the educational psychology behavourial support agencies at a cost of £1500.
We have a teaching assistant for SEN support only who does one to one and small group sessions for 21 hours per week.
We have additional teaching assistant hours to support pupil premium children in the classroom and during outside activities.
How will the impact of Pupil Premium be evaluated at Wark C of E Primary School?
We will monitor the progress of the pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium through analysis of their teacher assessments each term. This will inform decisions about interventions and future provision.
In addition, information from lesson observations, children’s books and pupil and parent feedback will form key parts of the evaluation process.
How can parents and carers contribute to the success of the Pupil Premium scheme?
If your child is eligible for free school meals, it is worth registering them even if they're not going to have the school lunch. It will have a direct impact on the funding and will maximize the support we can provide.
Information from Northumberland County Council re Free School Meals
Please see below for an explanation of how free school meals work, and for information on how to apply for free school meals.
Universal free school meals
All pupils in reception, year one, and year two are entitled to a free meal, without having to apply for this option.
Eligibility for free school meals
The government has made amendments to the eligibility criteria since April 2018. This is to reflect the introduction of Universal Credit.
PLEASE NOTE: Free school meals are available to pupils in receipt of, or whose parents are in receipt of, one or more of the following benefits:
- Universal Credit
- Provided you have an annual net income of no more than £7,400
- This is assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods
- Income Support
- Income-based Job Seekers Allowance
- Income related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The guarantee element of Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit
- Provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190
- Working Tax Credit run on
- Paid four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
What do the changes to free school meals mean?
Most people won’t be affected by the new criteria. If you’re currently claiming free school meals, but don’t meet the new criteria, your child will continue to receive free school meals until the end of the Universal Credit roll-out period.
The roll-out period isn’t scheduled to end until March 2022. Once Universal Credit is fully rolled out, your child will keep their free school meals entitlement until the end of their current phase of education, i.e primary to secondary.
Claim free school meals
Online: Telephone:
- 0345 6006400
Free School Meals Office
Northumberland County Council
Wansbeck Square
NE63 9XL
Revenues and Benefits
Benefit details for applications can be checked on receipt. However, if confirmation cannot be found, you will be contacted to provide proof of benefit.
Click here to view the Revenues and Benefits Privacy Notice.
The information you provide will be used to check if you are in receipt of a qualifying benefit.